Upgrade your writing life

Self-Editing Roadmap

This actionable checklist takes you from the moment you finish your first draft to the moment your manuscript is ready for a publishing professional.
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Do you recognise yourself in the following?|

 Other writers always seem to write faster and better 
 When someone asks how the writing is going, you wish you could disappear 
 "I'm so behind" has become your catchphrase
Wasting time is among your greatest fears

Our course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in your business. We cover topics such as marketing, sales, management, and more. With our coaching, you'll gain the confidence you need to take your business to the next level.
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The face behind the Self-Editing Roadmap

Elzevera has been encouraging writers and helping them improve their writing and their writing experience for 10+ years. With a BSc. in Social Psychology, an MA in Fiction & Non-Fiction Editing and experience working at a publishing house, she created a safe space for writers to develop a growth mindset.

Her mission is to empower writers from all around the world so they can write and edit their drafts without feeling like a failure. To teach authors how to use the writing process to their advantage, so not only the quality of their writing improves, but they feel more confident as a person and a writer by the end of it.

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